校长献词 Principal's Message

秉承着 “育人为本,立德为先” 的信念,光华校训“诚毅” 为每届的光华学子奠下 “诚以待人,毅以处事” 的人生基石,培养他们学会待人处事的传统美德以及精益求精的坚韧精神。我们坚信,只有在育人的道路上扎根立足,方能在人生的航程中展翅高飞。
学校愿景 “好学敏思,立己达人” ,冀望每个光华学子积极学习,不断思考,超越自我,并饮水思源,以奉献社会为己任。
"好学敏思" 涵盖了学习与思考的双重内涵,体现了《论语·为政》“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的精髓。学习并非仅限于知识的获取,而是包括了深入思考的过程。学校在鼓励学生积极学习的同时,也引导他们不断反思,培养他们分析、辨别和创新的能力。这不仅能够帮助学生建立坚实的知识基础,还能够激发他们的创造力和解决问题的能力。因此学生在学习中不仅仅是被动接受知识,也必须能够主动地去思考、去探索、去创新。
“立己达人”与《论语·雍也》中“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人” 的理念相契合,阐述了一个人应当以自身的成长与成就来影响和帮助他人的道理。学校强调学生不仅要不断提升自我,力求成为最优秀的自己;还必须以身作则,以积极的态度和行动去影响身边的人,传递正能量。我们教导学生怀有感恩之心,珍惜所拥有的一切,并学会与他人分享和关爱。通过社区服务,我们要学生回馈社会,培养他们成为具有爱心和社会责任感的公民。
Principal’s Message
Rooted in the belief of "Character First", the school motto "Sincerity in Being, Perseverance in Doing" lays the cornerstone of life for each succeeding generation of Kong Hwaians, fostering in them the traditional virtues that shape their character and guide their actions. It is our firm belief that anchoring oneself in character is essential for unfurling one's wings and soaring in life.
The school continues to preserve the ethos and culture of Chinese-medium schools. In this age of globalization, diversity and rapid changes, our children would need to stay rooted in their cultural heritage and values more than ever. It is our wish for every Kong Hwaian, through the influence and appreciation of Chinese culture and values, strengthen the foundation of their character and remain rooted in values, enabling them to face future challenges with greater confidence, ability and strength.
The school vision “Learners with Thinking Minds, Leaders with Serving Hearts” encapsulates our aspiration for Kong Hwaians to embody active learning and critical thinking, continuously surpassing themselves, and humbly embracing grace and gratitude in service of the community and nation.
"Learners with Thinking Minds" exemplifies the intricate relationship between learning and thinking, echoing an adage from the Analects of Confucius: " Learning without thinking is futile, thinking without learning is dangerous." Learning extends beyond mere acquisition of knowledge to encompass deep thinking process. The school fosters an environment where Kong Hwaians are not only encouraged to engage actively in learning but also to continuously reflect, honing their abilities to analyze, discern and innovate. This approach seeks not only to help students build a strong foundation of knowledge, but also fosters their creativity and enhances problem-solving skills. Thus, students are not passive recipients of knowledge but rather active learners who think, explore and innovate.
"Leaders with Serving Hearts" embodies the essence of a maxim from the Analects of Confucius: "One who wishes to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; one who wishes himself to succeed, seeks also to help others succeed." It expounds that a person should influence and help others with their own growth and achievements. The school emphasizes that Kong Hwaians should not only strive to improve and become the best version of themselves, but also lead by example, positively influencing those around them with positive energy. We teach our students to be grateful, cherish what they have, and learn to share and care for others. Through community service, we want Kong Hwaians to give back and contribute to the well-being of others and the community, nurturing them to become compassionate and socially responsible citizens.
All parents aspire for the best for their children, desiring their success. As a principal, I believe that true success extends beyond mere academic accomplishments to encompass the development of strong character. Academic success is not everything. A child’s character, the type of person he is, ultimately shapes the course of his life. Character defines destiny and serves as the compass guiding Kong Hwaians along life's path in the correct direction.
Kong Hwa has stood the test of time and remains steadfast in its mission to nurture generation after generation of students; laying the important foundation for Kong Hwaians during their formative years - a bedrock with profound and far-reaching influence in their developmental growth. To that end, we will continue to maintain a positive and conducive learning environment for our Kong Hwaians. Watching our children grow and learn with health, joy, character, and drive is our greatest motivation and fulfillment.
Mr Poon Siow Leng
Kong Hwa School