愿景与使命 Vision & Mission
愿景 Vision

好学敏思 Learners with Thinking Minds
⦿ 学会学习 Learning to Learn
Kong Hwaians acquired essential skills and learning dispositions that
enable them to become self-directed learners; empowering them to navigate
in a wide range of learning experiences.
⦿学会共处 Learning to Live
Kong Hwaians developed social-emotional competencies essential for them
to build positive relationships; and act for the good of self, others and
⦿学会做人 Learning to Be
Kong Hwaians possessed sound values and sense of healthy identities (personal,
community, national) that enable them to be individuals of good character
and responsible citizens.
⦿批判性思维 Critical Thinking
Kong Hwaians able to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information; enabling
them to question assumptions, consider multiple perspectives and exercise
⦿创造性思维 Inventive Thinking
Kong Hwaians able to explore possibilities, generate ideas and solutions
to problems; empowering them to tackle challenges with originality.
⦿适应性思维 Adaptive Thinking
Kong Hwaians able to be flexible, resilient, and responsive to changing
context and circumstances, by adjusting perspectives and drawing new insights.
立己达人 Leaders with Serving Hearts
⦿引领成长 Leading to Grow
Kong Hwaians able to embrace a mindset of self-leadership that focuses
on continuous self-improvement; ultimately helping them become best possible
versions of themselves.
⦿引领正能量 Leading to Influence
Kong Hwaians able to communicate effectively and engage empathetically;
and empower all to experience the synergy of teamwork and collective success.
⦿引领服务 Leading to Serve
Kong Hwaians able to embrace the mindset of leading self and others with
the primary goal of serving; and a sense of responsibility in making a
positive impact on others and society through actions.
使命 Mission

We are committed to the holistic development of our students by:
明德正己 Building Character
培养光华学子成为品格优良,深植于KHS PR²IDE价值观基石的学生。
Nurturing Kong Hwaians to be individuals of good character, anchored on
KHS PR²IDE values.
激发潜能 Realising Potentials
Enabling Kong Hwaians to discover and develop their interests and abilities.
A holistic approach to foster personal growth, self-discovery, and development
of skills and talents in various areas, not just limited to academic subjects.
双语兼优 Nurturing Bilingualism
Empowering Kong Hwaians with language skills and cross-cultural appreciation
that come with bilingualism in English and Chinese languages.
回馈社会 Serving Communities
Inculcating in Kong Hwaians a sense of civic responsibility and social
awareness through community outreach and engagements.