光华家长会 KHS Very Supportive Parents (VSP)
Parent Support Group - Very Supportive Parents (VSP)

KONG HWA VSP (Very Supportive Parents) was formed in 1999 with a Mission to be the voice of Kong Hwa Parents for responsible and constructive feedback, and be the catalyst for the improvement of the school learning environment outside of what the Ministry of Education can do.
Formally registered as a society in October 2009, VSP is run by the VSP Executive Committee (VSP EXCO) which is made up of a voluntary parents only team that works closely with principals, teachers and other stakeholders to steer the VSP Direction. There are many other registered VSPs who contribute time or resources on an ad-hoc basis.
We like to invite you to join VSP. If you are interested in journeying with the school to enrich your children’s education life balance and can commit time and resources, either on a regular or ad-hoc basis, we encourage you to fill the form and indicate your areas of interest.
Key Objectives
1. To act as the voice of Kong Hwa parents and to contribute responsible and constructive feedback for the improvement of the school learning environment from time to time;
2. To create greater awareness of the importance of parental involvement and supervision in their children’s education and their support for the school’s academic as well as non-academic activities;
3. To provide a platform for Kong Hwa parents to network and share their parenting skills, knowledge and experiences with one another and to be assimilated as part of one big Kong Hwa Family;
4. To foster greater co-operation and collaboration amongst all partners in education so as to create a safer and more conducive learning environment for our children in Kong Hwa School;
5. To nurture our children’s love and respect for the School;
6. To extend parental assistance and support to the School as and when needed in the School’s endeavour to achieve excellence in education;
7. To instil in parents the need to Love, To Care and To Support their children throughout the learning process.
Do join our VSP facebook page by scanning the QR code or clicking on the link below.