正向教育 Positive Education
Caring and Enabling School Environment
Recognition and Affirmation of the Positive
Creating an environment conducive to joyful learning, Kong Hwa School recognises and affirms the positive in every child. Besides the termly Model Class Award that students work towards to as a class, stories are also shared during Assembly highlighting the individual demonstrations of positive behaviour by student exemplars. Through this focus on the positive, we want our students to learn with joy and look forward to their school experience.
Positive Education
Our goal is for our students to flourish.
And what does it mean to flourish? In Positive Education, this means our students experience positive emotions, are engaged, have positive relationships, find meaning in their learning, and have opportunities for accomplishments.
To achieve this state of P.E.R.M.A. in our students, our programmes are fitted to the P.R.O.S.P.E.R. Implementation Framework in Positive Education, holistically enabling our students to flourish.